电 话:0519-86553208 0519-85266066
传 真:0519-86575893 0519-85266766
邮 箱: info@jialifeng.com.cn
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地 址:常州湖塘纺织工业园轻纺路18号
尊龙凯时中国官网是集生产,销售,服务为一体 的现代化企业。公司坐落在上海,南京之间 的常州市,交通便利。是武进区 的重点民营企业。厂区面积40000平方米,现拥有员工1000多人,其中各类专业技术人员150人,拥有丰富 的染整技术经验。 企业在发展过程中,始终坚持”产品质量为企业生命,新产品开发领先一步“ 的理念。配备测试中心,研究国内外各种纺织品风格,工艺,分析解剖它们 的各种特点与长处;同时运用先进科技技术,经验,灵感创造出独具风格 的产品,领先占据国内高档纺织市场。先进 的生产工艺以及对原料 的精选让产品富有竞争力。公司先后从国内外引进先进设备,并提高员工素质,保障公司产品恒定达到国际标准。 目前公司拥有美国莫里森球经染色生产线,立信高压溢流染色机,浆染联合机,毕加诺无梭织机,德国门富士热定型等先进设备,专业生产各种全棉精梳,粘棉,全粘,粘涤,麻棉,涤棉,金银丝,弹力,弹力竹节,提花,丝光,印花等中高档牛仔,彩色牛仔面料。 年生产力达到针织牛仔6000吨,机织牛仔1500万米。 公司视产品质量为企业生命,力争在新产品开发高人一筹,领先一步。发挥整体优势,向产品多元化,效益规模化,技术 个性化,体制现代化 的方向发展。欢迎广大新老客户朋友前来洽谈,实现双赢.
Changzhou Huitao Textile Company Limited, a modernized vertical set up textile industry providing products and service to the textile industries. The company was private owned enterprise at the Wujin area in Changzhou city, which located between Shanghai and Nanjing, enjoying with a geographic advantage and convenient in transportation. There were 40,000 square meter factory, more than 1,000 workers and 150 technicians then perform a strong technical team for supporting the whole enterprise. Being the leader of textile industry, we insisted to provide the excellent product and keeping innovation. Combining with the inspiration and technology, our product were well known in high end market. The research and development team were familiar in using various material to manufacture different texture and style; they are not only concentrated in market needs, but also reinforce our product with the advance technology continuously. In order to merge the international standard, we used to renew our machinery which came from China and abroad, well trained staffs also ensure our product quality. Herewith some advance machineries of our production line: Rope dyeing line – Morrison, USA Overflow dyeing line – Fong’s industry, Hong Kong Repair weaving loom – Picanol, Belgium Finishing line – Monforts, Germany We are specialized in using various materials, such as combed cotton, rayon, cotton/rayon, T/R, T/C, linen/cotton, lurex, which applied on stretch or rigid fabric in ring slub, jacquard, mercerized, printed and color denim. Nowadays, we produced 6,000 ton knitted denim and 15 million meter woven denim annually. The product quality was our core value, as supporting by our experience and technology; we offer a pioneer and innovative collection. As consolidate the above advantages, we are providing a full fabric range, offering a competitive price, supporting a top technology, foreseeing the market trend. All customers were welcomed to experience our win- win solution.